5 Must-Have Ads for Your Next Launch or Evergreen Funnel

Have you ever been scrolling through Facebook, laughing at a meme, admiring cute pictures of your friends’ babies, and then -- BAM! -- you’re hit with an ad for something you didn’t know you needed… but now you’re thinking you have to have?

You visit their landing page, your interest grows, you get out your wallet to buy it, but then the mailman rings the doorbell. Or you spill coffee on the outfit you *just* changed into. Or you hear the eerie sound of silence, which means your toddler is probably making a mess with something in the other room. Orrr maybe you just want a little more time to think about it before you buy.

Let’s just say, there are a million reasons why you might not buy a product the first time you see it in a Facebook ad. But what makes it worse is when you ARE ready to buy - you often can’t remember who was selling it, or what was called. 

If you’re a business owner, this is the difference between what one great Facebook ad and what five great Facebook ads can do for your product launch. One great Facebook ad will let them know your product is out there... but a sequence of 5 great ads will make sure they’ll be able to recognize your name, find it again, and trust that it’s going to solve their problem. 

5 Must-Have Ads For Your Next Launch or Evergreen Funnel

01: Testimonial Ads
It’s one thing for YOU to talk about how amazing your stuff is, but it’s quite another to hear it from an outsider. It’s kinda like when you see a commercial for a restaurant. Of course they’re going to say their food is good, but when you hear your neighbor talking about how delicious their meal was when they went there… let’s just say, you know where you’re getting dinner tonight. 

A testimonial ad is like creating social proof for your business. It’s a way of letting your audience know that other people’s lives are changing from your product - so theirs can, too. 

Creating a video ad might sound like more work, but it really isn’t. Take a testimonial video you already have, or request one from one of your superfans. It doesn’t have to be super high quality as long as the lighting is decent and you can hear their voice clearly. Then, use your favorite quote from the video as your ad text. That’s it! See how easy this is going to be?

02: Retargeting Ads
Sometimes I like to call this one the “on the fence” ad. Retargeting ads are shown to people who visited your sales page but for some reason didn’t buy or opt in. Usually they just need a little more time to think about it, or maybe there wasn’t enough urgency in your offer to make them get out their wallet. (Or maybe they were distracted by the Amazon package they want to hide from their husband, or the coffee spill, or the flour their toddlers dumped all over the new carpet… remember?)

Just because someone left your sales page, doesn’t mean they don’t want your product. Use a retargeting ad to: 

  • Remind them what your product is and where to find the sales page

  • Go deeper into how your product can solve their problem

  • Create a better connection with your audience and build the know/like/trust factor

Overcoming an objection is my favorite way to use a retargeting ad. Objections to buying your product usually boil down to three things: price, the time it will take to use/complete it, and wondering if it is the right solution to their problem. If you have a high-ticket product, you can use a retargeting ad to drive home the fact that they’ll get lifetime access to your product and updates. If you’re selling a course, talk about how it might take time to implement it but it will free up so much time for them down the road. And if they’re wondering if it’s right for them, show your audience what sets YOUR product apart from competitors in your field.

03: Messenger Ads
Sometimes people need help making decisions -- especially when it comes to spending their money. They want to know it’s going to be worth it, or maybe they have questions about your product. Messenger ads are an easy way to invite your customers to reach out to you and get the details they need before they buy. 

Messenger ads don’t have to get too complicated. Use an image of you and your product and write up a short message like:

  • Got questions about my program? Not sure if it’s right for you? Let’s chat.

  • 95% of people saw results after using my product. Curious about if you can see the same results? Send me a message!

  • Is my product the right investment for your business? Send me a message so we figure out if it’s the right fit.

At the heart of it, Messenger ads are about creating connection. In a world where everything is automated, they’re the perfect way to let your audience know that there’s a real person behind your brand, cheering for them on the other side of the screen and ready to help them out. 

Bonus: Messenger ads are also a direct line into their inbox for upcoming sales or promotions (no more worrying about getting lost in their email inbox or spam folder!).

04: Lineup Ads
Lineup ads show your potential customers exactly what they’re going to get when they purchase your offer. This is a great opportunity to show them the abundance of resources and valuable information they’re going to receive when they buy. It’s also a great spot to show them how many ways they can consume the information (because we all learn differently!). 

For example: Say you’re selling an online course. Visual learners will love this -- but not everyone is a visual learner. People who learn by writing things down will find value in the course, but what REALLY draws them in is the printable workbook they can write all over. Those who think they don’t have time for your offer might change their minds when they discover your audio version, which they can listen to in their car while they’re driving. 

These ads are usually the fastest ones to create because you already did the heavy lifting for the copy over on your sales page. All you’ll need for the ad copy is a hook to draw them in, then a bullet pointed list of everything they’re going to get when they purchase. Don’t forget the bonuses!

05: Urgency Ads
These are sometimes known as “Doors Closing” ads. The main goal is to let your customers know that it’s now or never. If they’re on the fence, NOW is the time to take action before the offer is gone. This one won’t always work for an evergreen funnel but are definitely applicable if you’re running a promo or coupon code for your offer.

Start your urgency ads 24-48 hours before:

  • Early bird bonuses disappear

  • Special pricing is over

  • Your enrollment period ends

Give your audience a little bit more than “Doors closing soon!” in your messaging. Make sure they know that they’re going to have to wait a whole year before they can get your offer again (if that’s the case). Paint a picture for them of what their life will look like a year from now if they buy your product, then talk about what will happen if they wait another year to start. Or maybe this is the only time you’ll be offering special pricing. If money is their biggest objection, they’ll be grateful for the reminder that the price will be going up soon.

Learn more about the magic of Facebook ads here: 

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