Episode 119. Write Better Headlines for Your Ads + Opt In Pages

Today we're diving headfirst into the world of Headlines. I know, right? Who knew such few words could have such a gigantic impact? Spoiler alert: I did!


You see, headlines are more than just punch lines, they're your first impression, your foot in the door, the magic bait. They do the heavy-lifting of piquing your reader's interest, stirring curiosity and making them want to know more. And getting them right? Absolutely crucial.


In today's episode, we’re touching upon the importance of headlines and facets like clarity, creativity, and the indispensable art of balance. To top it off, I've got some phenomenal examples and tips to share that'll turbocharge your headlines from 'blah' to 'aha!'.


So, are you ready to breathe new life into your headlines? Give them the 'oomph' factor they truly deserve? If that's a resounding yes, then wait no more. Go give today's episode a listen. I promise, it's going to be 'So Worth It'!


Episode 120. Live A Life Worth Telling A Story About


Episode 118. Finding Your Unique Voice with guest Laura Belgray