Episode 14. Making Data-Driven Decisions vs Overanalyzing

By nature I am an over-analyzer, I make pros and cons lists, spreadsheets, journals, meditate, etc. I am the type of person that tries to get as much information as possible before making decisions. In this episode, I open up about how I was able to reel in my tendencies to overanalyze. I talk about the misconceptions about data and share the best tips on how you can use it to drive your decisions versus stalling. I share the very steps my team and I take when analyzing a client's data and how we use the information to help them.

Whether it's personal or business, If you’re ready to learn how you can make swift, strong, confident decisions grab a cup of coffee and listen in.


Episode 15. On Building a Dream Life with guest Rob Murgatroyd


Episode 13. Creating a Legacy Brand with guest Tiffany Neuman