Episode 41. How to Troubleshoot a Funnel That Has Stopped Working

Jackie loves routines. No, she REALLY loves them. Part of Jackie’s daily routine for a large portion of her life had been to go on a run. When she was in her 30’s, it used to be 6 miles a day, no problem, no question. Now… well, let’s just say even 1 mile is a challenge now.

It was on one of these torturous runs that Jackie had an ah-ha moment. As she huffed to the top of a hill, she thought, “Why am I forcing myself to do this when it’s just not working for me the same way? If something worked earlier, does that mean it will work again? If I had that experience 10yrs ago, does it mean I’ll have that same experience now?" Then Jackie made the deeper connection… This is just like what clients tell her about their funnels and marketing that used to work 1, 2, 3 yrs ago and have “suddenly” stopped working. Jackie suggests looking at your funnel to see if it might be a traffic problem, conversion problem, or even the offer itself.

When you hire a marketing team that really understands funnels start to finish, you can get help with this all wrapped into one. If you’re looking to up-level your marketing with a team that can create brilliant high converting Facebook ads but also trouble shoot and improve a funnel that has already stopped working, you can go to jackieellismarketing.com/profitplan to book a no pressure, FREE profit plan call with Jackie. Jackie can help you with ideas to improve messaging, get more traffic, and increase conversions.

Book a call: jackieellismarketing.com/profitplan


Episode 42. Re-Think Your To-Do’s to Create Repeatable Processes


Episode 40. The BEST Business Advice I Ever Got