Episode 44. Becoming an Accidental Entrepreneur with guest Heather O'Donnell

Heather O’Donnell has always known she wanted to teach. What Heather didn’t know is how much that would shift so that she would be impacting more children and their families than she originally thought possible. In this episode, Heather shares with Jackie how her experience in general and special education classrooms turned her into an “accidental entrepreneur.”

In 2018 Heather opened her own tutoring business to help students struggling with dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia - the abilities to read, write, and do math. She started small, just her in office, but word got out and when Covid hit, Heather had a choice to make: hire tutors or start saying no to families who needed help. Additionally, Heather recently worked with a time management expert to create a course for teachers to use to help reduce some of the classroom overwhelm.

Tune in to hear some of the early indicators a student might be struggling and how Heather and her team work to help reverse those. If your child is struggling and you would like to receive a free consult from Heather, please go to www.newpaltzmultisensory.com and book!


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Episode 45. SPECIAL MINISERIES - Accelerate Your Growth: Maximize Your Marketing Part 1


Episode 43. The Mom Side of Running a Business with guest Shonta Prince