Episode 65. 5 Limiting Beliefs Keeping You From Growing Your Business with guest Michelle Vroom

Have you said any of these things to yourself or others while running your business?

“My offer isn’t good enough”

“I don’t have time to market and get clients.”

“I can’t deliver the outcome that my clients want or I’m nervous about making a promise I can’t deliver on.”

“I don’t know where to find clients, or people who will pay certain prices.”

“I’m bad at marketing.” 

If you’ve said those or had similar thoughts, then today’s episode might just change your mind!

Jackie’s guest, Michelle Vroom, is a business coach with over 15 years marketing and PR experience working with non-profit, agencies, and big corporations. Michelle loves sharing her tips and secrets around limiting beliefs that might be holding entrepreneurs back from finding clients, making more money, and growing their businesses. In this episode, Michelle tells us how to combat some of the most common thoughts so we can have successful and thriving businesses.





Episode 66. How to Automate Your Onboarding


Episode 64. 3 Keys to Providing World-Class Service