Episode 8. What It’s Like to Create a Top to Bottom Onboarding System for Your Team

If you are a business owner or in charge of hiring people you are not going to want to miss this episode. I am so excited that I literally have goosebumps. Join me as we talk about creating an onboarding system.

When I started my business I knew it was important but I didn't know what a real game-changer it would be! My goal was to save time while supporting my team. I will take you through my thought process and the very steps I took. I share how I used my resources to create a process that includes video, documents, slides, and links to create a system that was organized, in-depth and clear. I also share awesome tips on shortcuts you can use to build your very own onboarding system that fits your needs and saves you time.

If you are looking for a more efficient way to train your team, grab a pen and listen in.


Episode 9. Copywriter to 7-Figure Course Creator with guest Nicki Krawczyk


Episode 7. Can You Really Do Less and Be More Productive? with guest Megan Sumrell