Episode 114. How to Find the Gaps in Your Funnel

You see, sometimes we talk about 'data' and 'metrics' and I can almost hear the collective groan... "Not again!" But I promise, this episode is different. We're not just talking about numbers; we're talking action. This episode is as actionable as they come!

Imagine it like this: Your sales funnel is a leaking bucket, and each leak is an opportunity you're missing, money you're leaving on the table. This week, we solve that problem.

But heed this warning - you might want to bookmark this episode for later, as it's going to require pausing, checking your metrics, taking action, and then pressing play again. It's not one to breeze through during your morning jog, I assure you!

We discuss click-through rates, conversion rates, the number of link clicks you're getting... and that's just the start. We'll also talk about the importance of good emails, the indicators that can predict if your launch is set to be a success, and well, a hole lot more!

I want you to treat this episode as a tool, something to return to again and again as you fine-tune, optimize, and plug those holes in your funnel. If you've been feeling like something's missing, like you're leaving money on the table, I assure you, this episode will help.


Episode 115. Facebook Ads: What's Working Now with guest Tara Zirker


Episode 113. Dashboards You Need in Your Business with guest Carolyn O’Brien