Episode 115. Facebook Ads: What's Working Now with guest Tara Zirker

In this episode, we chat with Tara Zirker, a Facebook ad expert, and founder of Successful Ads Club.

Tara shares her story of how she got into Facebook ads and how necessity forced her to develop a data-backed system that set her apart in the industry. She also dispels the rumor that Facebook ads no longer work post-iOS 14 update, explaining that the platform has adapted and continues to offer robust marketing opportunities for businesses. Tara also touches on the significance of proper targeting to increase the success of your ads and briefly discusses the impact of broader audience options in the present digital marketing landscape.

You won’t want to miss this episode!

There's also a special opportunity to attend the free live training I'm hosting with her soon. But you gotta tune in to get the deets!


Episode 116. Tips for Writing Better Facebook Ads


Episode 114. How to Find the Gaps in Your Funnel