Episode 39. Ads Can't Sell Something No One Wants

Are you one of those people who have some of your best ideas when you’re working out? If so, you’re in good company! Jackie now keeps notebooks near during a workout so she can jot things down and not forget them later.

Jackie also likes to listen to engaging content while working out (anyone else or all music listeners out there?). During one of her workouts, Jackie was listening to Christina Scalera’s course Simple Sustained Shop Sales when Christina said something that made Jackie stop and pull out one of those handy notebooks. It wasn’t a new concept to Jackie but the bluntness of Christina’s wording that surprised Jackie… Ads can’t sell something no one wants.

If you’ve created a product or service and have thought, “Oh, my ads are the problem,” then listen to today’s episode. Jackie fleshes out that line of thinking and what you might need to look at instead! 

If you want help with your ads or want someone to do them for you, send Jackie a message on Instagram @iamjackieellis. She’d love to hear from you! 


Instagram - @iamjackieellis


Episode 40. The BEST Business Advice I Ever Got


Episode 38. Messaging Is the New Targeting