Episode 48. Building a Family-First Business with guest Laura Flood

Jackie recently sat down with Laura Flood. Laura is CEO of Laura's Real Estate Group, a top 1% team specializing in helping clients in Southeastern Wisconsin build generational wealth with Real Estate. She has over 27 years of experience leading a productive team of Realtors and staff. Laura is also a Certified High-Performance Coach and has created High-performance coaching and digital courses to help Realtors design and build successful, family-first businesses they love.  

Jackie and Laura talked about what kind of boundaries you need to set to be able to be focused at work when at work and home when at home. One of the big things Laura has been encouraging others to work on has been freely saying “no” without a backstory. She also shared how hearing one of her favorite phrases come out of her son’s mouth is both a good reminder and a little strange.

What phrase is that? Well, you’ll just have to turn up the volume and listen in!


Social Media: @laurasrealestategroup

Website: www.lauraflood.com


Episode 49. Do Retargeting Ads Still Work?


Episode 47. SPECIAL MINISERIES - Million Dollar Messaging: Maximize Your Marketing Part 3