Episode 49. Do Retargeting Ads Still Work?

A lot of people have shared that after the iOS update they did not feel like retargeting ads for Facebook worked anymore. The good news is… heck yeah they do!

On this episode, Jackie shares some of the important ways retargeting can still work for you. Did you know activity on Facebook or Instagram, embedded content elsewhere, and uploading your subscribers to your email list help with your retargeting? Well… now you do! That is, you will if you tune in to hear Jackie’s tips on how and why this works.

We all know you’re busy and don’t always have the capacity to do everything that would make your retargeting more effective. That’s one of the reasons why Jackie created a new program. Do you want someone amazing to help create, setup, and test your ads? Are you worried it will cost too much? Check out our new Done-With-You offer. We can be those amazing people for you without breaking the bank!


Done-With-You: jackie-ellis.com/donewithyou


Episode 50. Powerful Storytelling with guest Kris Jones


Episode 48. Building a Family-First Business with guest Laura Flood