Episode 61. How to Set Boundaries When You Work From Home

Do you find yourself checking your work email every time you pass your computer or jumping to respond when a notification hits your phone? If you’re struggling to separate your “work life” and your “home life,” especially if they both take place in your home, then Jackie has some insights to share with you in this episode!

One of the many things Jackie recommends putting in place (among many others) to help maintain healthy work-life boundaries is to determine how you’re going to communicate with your clients and put it in your contract. None of these tips are going to make your life harder… They might just buy you back enough time to find a new hobby (anyone have a hobby recommendation for Jackie?)! 

So grab a mug of something hot and get ready to set up some of these boundaries for YOUR life!


Episode 62. Turning Unreasonable Requests Into Yeses with guest Stephanie Burns


Episode 60. The Secret to Getting Seen in the Media with guest Beth Nydick