Episode 62. Turning Unreasonable Requests Into Yeses with guest Stephanie Burns

You may have seen the name “Stephanie Burns” featured in notable press outlets like Inc., Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Forbes, among others. In this episode, Stephanie joins Jackie to share some mind-EXPANDING insights into an amazing concept she calls Unreasonable Requests. 

Do you have big asks you want to make of a person or company but you are anticipating a “no”? Stephanie shares her journey in the world of entrepreneurship and how simply asking has, more often than not, resulted in astounding growth in both her personal and professional life! Surprisingly enough, Stephanie says “Don’t start by writing down all the things you want… Inventory the things you can give.”

Crank up the volume and get ready for your mindset, like Jackie’s, to be shifted while listening to this episode. It’ll change the way you see the people and opportunities around you. After you’re finished and on fire with ideas for your Unreasonable Requests, make sure to tag Stephanie on social media or email her with your wins!






Episode 63. The Silly Mistake Service Providers Make That Will Lose You Clients


Episode 61. How to Set Boundaries When You Work From Home