Episode 23. Growing a Business While Growing a Family with guest Chanti Zak

Today's guest is someone you may be familiar with if you've taken a quiz online in the last handful of years. It's 'The Queen of Quizzes' herself -- Chanti Zak.

She doesn't know it but our paths have crossed for many years. Every time I turned around her name was everywhere from mastermind classes to my clients. We've even worked with the same clients (at the same time!). I've seen her magic behind the scenes and I knew that someday I just had to connect with her!

Chanti is the creator of The Empathy Marketing Ecosystem, she's a quiz funnel strategist, growth consultant, and coach that’s obsessed with psychology, interactive marketing, and getting brag-worthy results for her students and clients. In her spare time, you can find her hanging with her 3 kiddos, learning how to homestead, or binge-watching Chef’s Table.

In this episode, we talk about kids, motherhood, and business. Chanti shares how in just a few years she went from working as a cook earning $15.00 an hour to building a successful business -- retiring her husband and supporting her family of 5.

Her perspective on how she was able to evolve and pivot as her family grew, (surprise) and grew again is so fun and inspiring. Chanti shares how she used each child as a catalyst to focus on her business to make changes and level up, taking risks and growing bigger. This is a fun episode all my mamas out there won't want to miss!





Episode 24. How a Heart Attack Saved My Life


Episode 22. Why Low Lead Costs Aren't the Only Metric to Measure