Episode 33. How to Network As An Introvert with guest Julie Calcote

You might never have guessed that Jackie is actually an introvert! In this episode Jackie chats with fellow introvert and business owner, Julie Calcote. Julie is a course creator, podcast host, and online business manager who lives in Anchorage, Alaska. She has taken her years of experience in different fields to help other introverts be able to approach business with a different mindset.

Julie shares with Jackie how she once heard someone liken social media to a cocktail party with small talk and how that was her worst nightmare! She shares tips around maximizing your energy cycles to batch content, produce reels (yes, even without your face), and disassociating from your work. You don’t have to be constantly interacting with people in order to have an amazingly successful business!

Introverts and extroverts can unite from their own listening devices (introverts cheer!) to listen in on Julie and Jackie’s enlightening conversation. Make sure to take advantage of Julie’s freebie at the end of today’s episode!


Instagram - @juliecalcoteobm





Episode 34. My Quarterly Planning Process


Episode 32. Why Good Copy is the Secret Sauce to Your Ads