Episode 37. Job Hunting + Hiring In Today's Market with guest Caroline Ceniza-Levine

From an advisory role in investment banking to stand-up comic and actor to HR and recruiting, today’s guest has done it ALL! Caroline Ceniza-Levine is a career expert, founder of the Dream Career Club, and a media personality sharing career advice, as well as hiring trends for the US job market. Jackie and Caroline chat about how all of those roles helped contribute to Caroline being an expert in the field of recruiting and business coaching.

It’s not very often you find people staying in the same job or even field for forty years anymore. It tends to be the exception instead of the rule now. The pandemic also forced a lot of people and companies to be faced with whether or not they wanted to continue down the same road or change things to better match their values and goals. Many people ask if in the current economy it’s the right time to be looking for a new career. As Caroline shares in today’s episode, “I would bet on the person who 100% wants to go for goal X in a down market over a lukewarm person in a high-growth market any day!”

So dust off that resume and cover letter and tune in to hear Caroline’s amazing tips on being a standout candidate in the current market!


Download pdf - dreamcareerclub.com

LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/carolinecenizalevine

Youtube Channel - youtube.com/channel/UCUginDNQ6eMPRG_943EVnpg?app=desktop

Forbes - forbes.com/sites/carolinecenizalevine/?sh=7ec348c56ecc


Episode 38. Messaging Is the New Targeting


Episode 36. The Worst Business Advice I Ever Got